The Art of Deadlines — Supercharge Your Business Success


When we set reasonable deadlines, we tap into our inherent ability to focus, prioritize, and execute with efficiency. In this article, we will explore why we get important things accomplished when we establish deadlines, and delve into Parkinson’s Law, which reveals how work expands to fit the time allotted for its completion.

Without deadlines, tasks can linger indefinitely, losing their sense of urgency and significance. By imposing time limits, we compel ourselves to focus our efforts and allocate resources effectively. The fear of missing a deadline can ignite a sense of responsibility and accountability within us, prompting us to stay committed to the task at hand. Let’s do whatever it takes to overcome procrastination and encourage consistent progress toward our goals. The Art of Deadlines

So, what is Parkinson’s Law? ‘Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.’ This concept highlights the tendency for tasks to take up more time than necessary when deadlines are not in place. When given an indefinite period to complete a task, we often find ourselves stretching the work over extended periods, leading to reduced productivity and increased inefficiency.

By setting reasonable deadlines, we curb the tendency for work to expand and instead create a sense of urgency that helps us complete tasks more effectively.

No matter how you go about it, whether through experience, careful estimation, tricking yourself, or input from others, setting realistic deadlines is essential for maintaining sanity and achieving success in the unpredictable and beautifully imperfect realm of human productivity.

Here’s a cute way to set a deadline. Unleash Your Inner Creative…

Imagine a determined individual, brimming with brilliant ideas, but prone to the occasional bout of distraction and procrastination.

Realizing the need for a gentle nudge towards productivity, the imaginative entrepreneur devised a quirky deadline strategy: “Complete this project by midnight, or your trusty office cactus shall assume control!”

In a delightful twist of events, the entrepreneur, driven by a touch of botanical motivation, embarked on a flurry of focused work. The project was triumphantly finished well before midnight, and the office became home to a thriving cactus, forever reminding them of the power of deadlines, no matter how prickly the circumstances.

When we have a limited timeframe, we are compelled to discern between essential and non-essential activities, enabling us to allocate our resources efficiently. This skill of prioritization not only ensures that important tasks are completed promptly, but it also enables us to make better decisions about how to invest our time and energy.

Deadlines create a sense of urgency that drives us to achieve results within a given timeframe, allowing us to accomplish more in less time.

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Thanks again and have an awesome day!

Marian LaSalle
the By Your Side Guide

Visit Marian and her wonderful partner Kristi Hall at



Digital Office at Home with Marian LaSalle
Digital Office at Home with Marian LaSalle

Written by Digital Office at Home with Marian LaSalle

Helping you build & expand your business. Specializing in Internet marketing & residual income.

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