Show Me Your Friends & I’ll Show You Your Future
The People Around You Shape Your Future
If you are starting or growing your own business, have you thought about the people you hang out with? As an entrepreneur or someone pursuing their own business venture, have you given much thought to your social circle lately?
The friends you choose can really impact your mindset, motivation, and how successful you become. There’s an old saying: “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”
Look at the picture — a little bird is happily hanging out with an unlikely friend, a duck. This reminds us that making unexpected new friends can help us see things differently and grow. But just hanging with the same few people limits our growth.
Studies show our friend groups don’t just affect how we act in the moment, but also shape our core values, how we see ourselves, and the direction our lives go over time.
A famous psychologist named Dr. David G. Myers said, “The people you hang around a lot really influence your attitudes and behaviors.”
This is super important for business owners to understand. Starting a company from nothing is already extremely hard work. Why make it even harder by being around people who reinforce negative mindsets or bad habits, even if they don’t mean to?
Ivan Misner, who started the networking group BNI, says entrepreneurs must be really careful about their close circles, because those people will “either boost your motivation or drain your energy.”
It’s not just about business success though. The motivational speaker Jim Rohn put it simply: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
Whether your goals are for your business or your life, the company you keep shapes your attitudes, behaviors and future.
As you work hard growing your business, take an honest look at your current friend group. Are they pushing you towards your biggest dreams? Or are negative people, toxic attitudes or small thinking holding you back?
If it’s the latter, it’s time to be proactive about changing your circle. Find new people who have the positive traits, work ethic and vision you want for yourself.
Surround yourself with friends who will challenge how you think, expose you to new perspectives, and inspire you to dream bigger.
Just like the bird and duck became an unlikely but happy pair, creating an uplifting friend group could unlock your full potential as a business owner.
The people you keep company with deeply influence the path you’ll take.
Make an effort to build connections with those who will inspire, motivate and lead you toward the future you want.
Marian LaSalle
By Your Side Guide
Digital Office At Home