Podcast Transcript File Types
Making Sense of Podcast Transcript File Formats: .vtt vs .txt
In the digital world, certain dilemmas can seem boring until they affect you directly. One such puzzle is picking the right format for your podcast transcript. Well, let me tell you about my own unexpected journey. Recently I found myself in this exact predicament — download as .vtt or .txt?
I guarantee there are many who have been through this same head-scratching conundrum, or those who will experience it. With that in mind, I’m stepping in to offer a guiding hand, sparing you from stumbling through this issue unassisted. Allow me to unravel the mysteries of these two frequently encountered file formats and shine a light on their specific perks and drawbacks. Rest assured, there is no tech-jargon or convoluted explanations coming your way — this is your straightforward, easy-to-digest guide to the world of podcast transcript file formats.
So, what’s the difference?
.vtt stands for Web Video Text Tracks. This type of file allows the text to sync up with specific spots in the audio track. So if you wanted to display interactive captions that highlight sentences as they are spoken, a .vtt transcript would make that possible.
The timecoding feature of .vtt is helpful for accessibility. It also lets you use the transcript to deep link to or share parts of your podcast episode.
.txt is a plain text file — just letters and words without any fancy coding or features embedded. Plain text files work universally across platforms and are easy for anyone to open.
But a plain .txt transcript would have the entire podcast conversation printed out without indicators of when each sentence occurs within the audio.
So if you want or need the transcript synced up with the timeline of your podcast, get the .vtt file. If you just need the raw text itself, a simple .txt version will do the trick! Check with your podcast host about which options they support.
Thanks for reading today’s article
Marian LaSalle
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