Mindful Eating
Mindful eating is a gentle technique to help you learn more about your relationship with food. It’s about reconnecting with the pleasure of eating, taking time and becoming more aware of how food tastes, feels and looks. Mindful Eating is not a diet but rather a way of quietening the voices in your head that influence how you feel about food and whether you should or shouldn’t eat something.
We can try tips like drinking a glass of water before our meal or snack, sitting down to eat, chewing each bite 25 times and setting your fork down between bites.
Many of us eat when our mind tells us to, rather than our bodies. True mindful eating is actually listening to our body’s signals for hunger. Try asking your body to tell you when your needing nutrition or calories.
That might sound silly but remember we are running programs that started many years ago. If you stop yourself from mindlessly opening the refrigerator when your bored or emotional and become aware, you can stop the cycle.
Marian LaSalle the By Your Side Guide